…………… MALAYSIA马来西亚 ……………
More than half of MICSS graduates opt for local private institutions to study courses of
professional certificate, 3+0 progammes, credit transfer or twinning programmes in order to
obtain a degree from foreign universities. Alterratively, they may take up certain courses
provided by local public universities at private colleges to obtain a public university degree.
…………… SINGAPORE 新加坡 ……………
Since 1997, UEC graduates have been exempt from entrance examination by NUS and NTU.
From 1998 arwards, each year about 500 MICSS graduates enrolled at these two universities.
Singapore Management University (founded in 2000) and Singapore Polytechnics also accept
applications from MICSS graduates.
…………… TAIWAN 台湾 ……………
Previously, Taiwan had been the most popular choice of MICSS graduates. In recent years,
the number of students furthering studies in Taiwan had somewhat dropped due to the stiff
competition with local colleges as well as Singapore universities. Our government has
officially recognised 8 Taiwanese universities’ degree in Medicine and 2 Taiwanese
universities’ degree Pharmacy courses.
…………… U.S.A.美国 ……………
There are 3,500 Institutions of higher learning across the USA. Most of them
recognise UEC as the 12th year equiualent of high school education that meets their
entry requirements. Thus, the number of US universities recognising UEC far exceeds
the list below. MICSS graduates may apply for admission by means of UEC along
with TOEFL or by taking the credit transfer programme linked up with US
…………… AUSTRALIA 澳洲 ……………
Australian universities, for the most part, accept the UEC holders with IELTS
qualification. UEC holders have two option, they may either apply for direct entry or
take up the 3+0, credit transfer or twinning programme conducted by local colleges in
collaboration with Australian universities. Twinning programme or 3+0 degree
programme are more popular with MICSS students as a stepping stone to Australian
universities’ degrees.
…………… NEW ZEALAND 纽西兰 ……………
UEC is widely accepted by the New Zealand’s universities.UEC holders would take
up courses provided by with New Zealand universities at local private colleges.
…………… BRITAIN 英国 ……………
The British universities accept UEC as equivalent to AS level. Generally the Scottish
universities accept UEC students. Fewer UEC holders take up twinning programme or
3+0 degree programme linked up with universities in the UK due to the exorbitant
tuition fees and living expenses.
………… CANADA加拿大 ……………
About 10 universities in Canada directly admit UEC students. The rest of them
require the students to study at pre-u for 9 months.
…………… CHINA 中国 ……………
An increasing number of UEC holders now go to China to further their studies. A total
of 560 universities in China recognize the UEC qualification and no Chinese
Proficiency Test (HSK) certificate is required.
…………… JAPAN 日本 ……………
UEC is widely accepted by Japanese institutions of higher learning.
…………… FRANCE 法国 ……………
France also accepts UEC holders’ application for admission to its universities and
colleges. Those who wish to further studies in France may apply to the French
Embassy and take up 1 year of French language courses.
…………… HONG KONG 香港 ……………
…………… INDONESIA 印尼 ……………
…………… OTHERS 其他 ……………
Apart from the above-mentioned countries, UEC holder may also go to countries such as
Hong Kong, India, Germany, Indonesia, Thailand, Italy, Russia, etc to further their studies.